| Who we are

Committed to delivering for our Clients & Partners

We are passionate about building professional relationships through the delivery of quality projects safely.

Core Values

Everything we do is driven by our

Five Core Values


Our Team, Clients and Supply Chain are what makes us who we are. We aim to guide, train and assist our employees enabling them to be the best they can be, whilst developing long term relationships with clients and suppliers. Good people, clients and suppliers are essential for our business to succeed.

Health & Safety

The Health and Safety of our staff, sub-contractors and suppliers is our top priority. We take pride in delivering projects safely, whilst being mindful of people’s health throughout the process.


The delivery of quality throughout the company is key. Ensuring we provide a quality end to end services is the hallmark of our success.


We are consistently driving productivity to ensure projects are successful. By maintaining a high level of productivity throughout our teams, we can be certain that success will follow.


Profitability is essential for our business to be successful. Managing and maintaining our finance will enable us to grow and thrive.

Our Culture

We follow certain principles as a company which helps shape our culture.

Excellence & Quality

We will strive to surpass our competitors in quality, innovation and value, elevating our image to become the leading services contractor in the London area.

Leadership & Team Work

I am part of a team where I must collaborate and co-operate to achieve success. When called for I shall confidently lead always listening and considering other team members ideas and input.

Education & Growth

I must always be willing to learn and educate myself for my own personal and professional growth. I must learn from my mistakes and help other learn from theirs.


I must speak positively to my fellow peers at all times and help to find solutions, not look for problems. I reach out and communicate with my team members and invite them to collaborate whenever possible.

Revolution & Innovation

I encourage change which brings revolution or innovation. I understand that doing things differently can mean doing them better. I keep an open mind and have the confidence to discuss opportunities for improvement with my team.

Ownership & Accountability

I am responsible for my actions and take full ownership and accountability for my choices and decisions along with the outcome. I will not resort to blame, make excuses or deny when I am at fault.


Live projects


Live projects value


Years in business


Operatives on site

Health & Safety

We pride ourselves on making Health & Safety a top priority.

Our staff and those working with us are valued team members, and their safety is paramount, so we do not bend the rules for any reason.

Health & Safety

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Some of our clients